Sunday 17 June 2012

The Traveler

Oh! I am so tired. Just returned from a long journey……900 kms……16 hours in the train…….puff- travelling can be so exhausting! We human beings find travelling tiring in spite of the hi-tech modes of transport that we use. Have we ever given a thought to how the other species ‘travel’?

Travel ? Yes, they definitely do. It is called ‘migration’. When the weather at home becomes harsh, animals and birds migrate to other regions where the weather is more comfortable. This is especially true for species living in the arctic region. The arctic winters are too cold for them. So they travel south in winter.

One such species is a bird called the Little Stint. This bird breeds in northern Europe and Russia, in July and August. In autumn, it starts migrating southwards. It spends its winters in the warmer countries of Africa, Asia, and the Indian Sub-continent. In April-May, it flies back home for the next breeding season.

Every year, the little stint flies a total distance of about 12000 kms! Hmmm……requires great deal of endurance, doesn’t it? Must be a really strong bird! But do you know why it is called the ‘Little’ Stint? Because it is only 13 cms long with outstretched wingspan of 36 cms  and weighs only 24  gms.

Then what is the secret behind its strength? Well, these birds, though small, have a lot of fat reserves in their body. If the energy supplied by food is completely utilized, their body burns these fats to obtain energy. And, they also take enough rest during their journey. They land, rest and feed in muddy areas at regular intervals of time.

Habitats of the little Stint in different seasons

Further reading: 

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