Friday 3 May 2019

Food for one…..

We know that the word ‘Karma’ has a spiritual meaning. You may wonder if the word “Trung trung karmo” has a similar meaning. Well – it is the local name of the black-necked crane, that is believed to be a carrier of the Dalai Lama. Hence, the sightings of this bird are considered to bring luck, and often cause a stir….

These birds are found in the high-altitude marshes of Tibet and Ladakh in the breeding season. They migrate to parts of Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh in winter. According to the IUCN, these birds have been classified as a ‘vulnerable’ species.

The black necked cranes migrating to the Sangte and Chugh valleys in Arunchal Pradesh feed on insects in the paddy fields. But due to change in the variety of rice grown in these valleys in the past six to seven years, the insects are not drawn to the paddy fields after the harvest. Experts think this could be a reason for the decrease in the numbers of black necked cranes visiting Arunachal Pradesh every year.

The introduction of new rice varieties has decreased the number of people going hungry in these regions, but the sightings of the bird are becoming rarer. Another instance of Karma – how food for one could be another’s ……… 
